Thursday, December 29, 2022

Even More Christmas Cards!!!!

Getting a jump start on my 52 weeks of crafting for 2023 and shopped my stash this morning to make a set of Christmas cards (isn't that what you do on December 29???).

I used a card kit from December 2014 featuring the "Jingle All The Way" collection from Echo Park.


SmilynStef said...

I was making my first holiday cards too ... love the traditional holiday hues ... so very glad you joined our Time for Presents Challenge at Shopping Our Stash.

AlisonC said...

Why not make Christmas cards when you are feeling Christmassy! A great set in lovely traditional colours and a good start to your challenge. Thanks for Shopping your Stash with us this time.

dj said...

Way to go shopping your stash...of course Christmas cards are easy to make when you are feeling Christmasy!! And you have a good start on your Christimas stash for December of 2023. Thanks for playing along with our “a time for presents” challenge over at Shopping Our Stash!!

lauren bergold said...

It's never ever everrrrrrrrrrrr too early to start on xmas cards, especially a set as cute as this! thank you for SHOPPING YOUR (presents!) STASH with us this time!

SoSS #260 - G is for Green

  Greetings and salutations snarky friends! Thanks for stopping by to check out the latest challenge from Edna and the Sisterhood of Snarky ...