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SoSS #184 - O is for Outdoors


Greetings and salutations snarky friends!
Hope all is well and safe in your corner of the planet.

Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers are back at ya with a new challenge, our theme is O is for Outdoors.

Of course, I had zero mojo in advance of the challenge (which started yesterday) but today I had an better later than never...but alas, no snark...

I did an 8x8 layout of our camping trip to Algonquin Park last October. Yep I am THAT nutbar who likes to camp when it's cold!!

We didn't know then, but that would also be our last outing in our tent trailer as we upgraded to a bigger trailer this spring...hopefully we will get to use it soon!

So that's me sitting by the fire and if you look in the background you can see Kevin and Joel heading off to the bathroom LOL I did not realize that then I took the picture - but it works, then all of us are in the picture LOL

Shite I used to make this layout:
  • Happy Trails design paper (Simple Stories)
  • Happy Trails Combo Cardstock Stickers (Simple Stories)
  • Happy Trails Chipboard Stickers (Simple Stories)
  • Alphabet stickers (Recollections)
As always, we would love for you to join the sisterhood and play along!
You can find all the details for the challenge on the SoSS BLOG.
While you are there, please share some crafty comments and love with our reigning Queen of Snark and the rest of the sisterhood!


Helen said…
Fantastic layout Donna! Looks so relaxing!!!! Have a fun week! ((HUGS)) Helen
Dotty Jo said…
Great lay out, Donna! Love that picture - do you have a beer in your hand... just out of shot??? Jo x
Lindsey said…
Funny how it seems hardest to make snarky things when one feels the snarkiest, isn't it? But instead you get a beautiful layout to add to your memories, so it all works!
Vee Cassidy said…
Hello, what a great memory to have, love your layout. Thank you for the great comment you left on my blog. Vee xx
Robyn Oliver said…
Great page Donna.. nothing better than enjoying the outdoors around a campfire, I'm wishing that may happening here soon, Robyn