Saturday, March 2, 2024

SoSS #248 - S is for Snarky

Hey friends!

Thanks for stopping by to check out the latest challenge from Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers!

True to our name, we are celebrating all things snarky - it is our 10th anniversary after all.

Most of the time we say that snark is not necessary, but appreciated...for this challenge it's mandatory, so let your snark flag fly and let's see what you've got!

Back in January SISTER DEENA and I spent a Sunday crafty afternoon making gel prints. I used some of them for the backgrounds of my snarky cards.

While I love love love the snarky sentiments by AALL & Create, the text is so freaking small, I will post under each card what it says so you get the full snarky effect.

If it looks like I give a damn, please tell me. I don't want to give off the wrong impression.

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient, I will get to you shortly.

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I really thought you already knew.

I'm sorry, while you were talking I was trying to figure where the hell you got the idea I cared.

As always, we would love for you to join the sisterhood and play along.

You can find all the details for the challenge on the SoSS BLOG.

While you are there, please share some crafty love and comments with our reigning Queen of Snark and the rest of the sisterhood.


Barbara Godden said...

All perfect for the challenge, great sentiments and well put together cars.

Dotty Jo said...

What a great set of cards! Just perfect, Jo x

Helen said...

LOL! Fabulous snarkiness Donna1 LOVE those backgrounds and those snarly ladies! ((HUGS)) Helen

JulieP said...

You don't mess around when it comes to Snark. These are awesome!

Rosmarie said...

Fab cards and backgrounds! Rosi x

Cecilia Benjamin said...

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Thanks Blog Admin once again.