Saturday, August 3, 2024

SoSS #253 S is for Summer

Best wishes and warmest regards snarky pals!

Thanks for stopping by to check out the latest challenge from Edna and the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.

The season is upon us and we are celebrating all things summer!

One of my favourite thing about this time of year is strawberries, fresh, straight out of the field, still warm from the sun strawberries...mmmmmm....

I used this challenge to do the Berry Sweet class by Laura Graff from from the March 2023 crop & create that I hadn't done yet. 

This first one with the basket was my favourite to make

The this black and white background was my next fave:

Then I made this one, which is kinda...meh...maybe too CAS for me (and not centred properly lol)

As always, we would love for you to join the sisterhood and play along.

You can find all the details for the challenge on the SoSS BLOG.

While you are there, please share some love and crafty comments with our reigning Queen of Snark and the rest of the sisterhood.


Dotty Jo said...

Oh, my goodness - do these cards just ooze Summer and deliciousness or what! perfection, sistah, Jo x

Barbara Godden said...

yummy cards all three are perfectly summer, I'm so happy they have everbearing strawberries now.

JulieP said...

I love all three but the b/w gingham one is my fav. Love the mix of red and bright pink too. Fabulously done, you overachiever. LOL!

SoSS #260 - G is for Green

  Greetings and salutations snarky friends! Thanks for stopping by to check out the latest challenge from Edna and the Sisterhood of Snarky ...