Saturday, July 6, 2024

SoSS #252 - L is for Lindsey


Best wishes & warmest regards snarky pals!

Thanks for stopping by to check out the latest challenge from Edna and the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.

This month we are honouring our beloved Sister Lindsey who passed away in July of 2022. 
It's so difficult to think that we lost her 2 years ago already.

We hope that you will join us in our ode to Lindsey, we want to see something inspired by her, or something that she made. You can check out her crafty creations here on her BLOG.

I made a few graduation cards based on THIS CARD of Lindsey's:

Here are the cards I made, one for an elementary school grad (yay Adrian!!), one for a high school grad (yay Theo!!) and one for Master's grad (yay Srin!!)

As always (and especially for this challenge) we would love for you to join the sisterhood.

You can find all the details for the challenge on the SoSS Blog.

While you are there, please share some crafty love and comments with our reigning Queen of Snark and the rest of the sisterhood.


Barbara Godden said...

Ah her grad card I liked it too, so many to choose from but your Lindsey inspired grad cards are fab.

JulieP said...

I didn't even think about a CASE for this challenge. Remind me next year. LOL! These are all wonderful and Lindsey would wholeheartedly approve.

Dotty Jo said...

Lovely cards - really punchy and fun. I'm never going to get my head around her passing. Big hugs, Jo x

Cecilia Benjamin said...

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Thanks Blog Admin once again.