Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Shopping Our Stash #230 - UFO's

Happy Tuesday! Thanks for coming by to check out the new SHOPPING OUR STASH challenge!

This week the SOS crew want to see your UFO's...that is your unfinished objects..what's sitting on your table or desk just begging to be finished??

For me that's easy...as you may know my son is a member of the 1626 West Niagara Army Cadet Corps.

As a fundraiser we decided to make and sell some Christmas cards. Well those suckers turned out to be pretty darn popular and to date we have 36 orders for packs of 8 cards...sooooooooo I have Christmas cards in various states of incompleteness ALL over the craft room.

This challenge was good motivation to work on a few of them, don't worry I am not going to show you all 288 cards.

I like this card so much I think I am going to make a bunch extra and use this one as my Christmas card this year. I love the tree design paper!

Shite I used to make these cards:

  • White cardstock (Fireworx)
  • Christmas tags (Recollections)
  • Sugar Plum paper pad (Recollections)
  • Bling (Dollarama)
Check out all the details on the challenge over at the SHOPPING OUR STASH BLOG and while you are there please show the rest of the crew some crafty lovin'.

As always we would love for you to play along with us!


Leslie Hanna said...


That first one is PERFECT for mass-production. Great tree paper. And yay for getting back to your holiday cards. :)

lauren bergold said...

i'd be up for the 288... especially if they're anything like as cool as these, baby! yowza! ♥

Chana Malkah said...

Both cards are fabulous! I particularly like the Christmas Tree card with the marquee lable...very, very nice!

Barbara Godden said...

Love both cards, now I feel like a whimp for whining about making 12 for friends, which I hope will happen on the weekend.

Lindsey said...

That is a lot of cards! Love the modern vibe of the first one — hope you bought LOTS of that paper! The second one is very classy and pretty.